Meatballs are a regular stand-by meal around here. I usually make them up dozens at a time, cook them, and then freeze them for quick and easy meals. Tonight I just made enough for one meal plus leftovers. (Leftovers are usually tomorrow's breakfast or lunch.)

I don't always use the same ingredients and I never measure them so it's hard to give an exact recipe but the meatballs consist of ground beef, an egg, ketchup, some GFCF crumbs (purchased or made from crackers of ends of bread), garlic, minced onion or onion powder, salt, pepper and whatever other spices look good. Roll into balls and bake until cooked through.

Meanwhile, boil some GF pasta and open a few cans of Hunt's 100% natural tomato sauce. I don't bother with fancy spaghetti sauces, I just sexy up this stuff with some garlic and Italian seasonings. (Always check seasonings to be sure they are GFCF.) Cover the cooked meatballs with sauce...

...and stick it back in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve with pasta. Enjoy!
After supper tonight we took out a few frozen pieces of cake that I had hidden away and we topped them with the strawberries that were left over from lunch. The cake is a Betty Crocker gluten free yellow cake and it's pretty darn good. (As long as I'm reviewing gluten free cake mixes here...we also like the Namaste brand chocolate cake mix but the Namaste vanilla cake didn't go over as well.)
I am using my freezer now more than ever before.
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